Redressing Radical Polarisation: Experiences and Initiatives from Media Practitioners
The event will be held in a hybrid format on Thursday, 5 September from 3 to 6:15 pm at the ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon).
5 September | |
15:00 – 15:10 | Opening Remarks María Luengo – Action Chair, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain |
15:10 – 15:30 | Creating Deep and Meaningful Relationships with Readers: Why Media Have a Unique Opportunity to Engage in Depolarisation Work Sara Cooper – Head of Product, My Country Talks, ZEIT ONLINE, Germany |
15:30 – 16:00 | Q&A Session with Sara Cooper |
16:00 – 16:30 | Coffee break |
16:30 – 18:00 | Discussion Panel Working Together to Knowledge Production and Exchange: Experiences and Initiatives from Media Practitioners Panellists: Vítor Gonçalves, editor and anchor of Grande Entrevista, RTP, Portugal Mónica Prado, Digital Area editor in chief, Antena 3 TV, Spain Raffaele Luise, dean of RAI Vatican correspondents, Italy Salomé Leal, editor, Filipe Pardal, chief operating officer, Polígrafo, Portugal Michaëla Cancela-Kieffer, Sciences PO Journalism School and Agence France Presse (AFP), France Panel moderator: Carlota Pombar, Equipo Europa, Spain |
18:00 – 18:15 | Concluding Remarks Gustavo Cardoso – Professor of Communication Sciences, Department of Sociology, ISCTE, Portugal |
Carlota Pombar

Carlota Pombar is a student from Galicia, currently in her final year of the Dual Bachelor in International Studies and Political Science at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Throughout these years, she has gained a robust academic foundation with a global outlook, having completed high school in the United States thanks to the Amancio Ortega Foundation scholarships and furthering her university studies at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) and Maastricht University (Netherlands).She has collaborated with organizations such as CEAR and ECA, and she currently serves as a spokesperson for Spain’s largest youth association, Equipo Europa. Starting in September, she will undertake an internship at the Office of the Secretary of State for the European Union.
Gustavo Cardoso

María Luengo

María Luengo is an associate professor of journalism at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) and Faculty Fellow of Yale University’s Center for Cultural Sociology. She chairs the EU COST Action Redressing Radical Polarization: Strengthening European Civil Spheres facing Illiberal Digital Media (DepolarizingEU). Recent books include The Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered: Democratic Culture, Professional Codes, Digital Future (co-edited with Alexander and Breese, CUP, 2016) and News Media Innovation Reconsidered (co-edited with Herrera Damas, Wiley, 2021). Her research has appeared in leading journals in the fields of communication and sociology. She was awarded with the 2019 European Journal of Communication prize and has been involved in several international conference/book projects on the civil sphere, the media, radicalisation and populism in Europe.
Michaëla Cancela-Kieffer

Michaëla Cancela-Kieffer is associate professor at Sciences Po journalism school in Paris. She is also the editor of audio at Agence France-Presse (AFP). She started her career as a freelance producer of tv news magazines. Michaëla, who is half French, half Spanish, has worked as an international reporter and foreign correspondent for AFP in places such as Kabul, Bogota, Madrid or Washington DC. More recently, she was Deputy News Editor, working with the Global Editor-in-Chief at AFP.
Mónica Prado

Raffaele Luise

Salomé Leal

Sara Cooper

Vítor Gonçalves